Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Sad, sad and more sad

I have to say that today I am feeling incredibly grateful for everything I have in life. My home, my children, our health, my husband (although he's driving me bonkers lately) every little thing is much more meaningful, important, appreciated and CHERISHED today.

Besides the craziness in the news lately and all the typical things that leave us stressed in life, this morning was just so upsetting. After dropping the girls off at school, there was a TERRIBLE fatal accident just around the corner between our house and the school. A reminder that one second is all it takes to change your life forever. When I arrived at work a coworker came to tell me that over the weekend my Boss's house had been destroyed by fire. Its just her and her teenage daughter, now with nothing but each other and the clothes on their back. I'm heartbroken today for the craziness in this world. Hug your loved ones a little tighter tonight.

Appreciate every moment. Lend a helping hand to those in need. Forget tomorrow, and live for today.

1 comment:

LakeLady said...

I am very sorry. Life is so crazy. I think it is necessary to wake everyday with the hope that you can make it the best day ever. Even with the best intentions sometimes this doesn't happen. I find that when we are at our most desperate hour, we reach out and accept more. Prayers for your friends. Blessings to you.