Friday, September 4, 2009

8 hours

The night before last, I only slept for about 3 hours, because I decided I HAD to stay up till 2am and get our JDRF video completed for this year. YIKES. Not good. I am a sleep needer!! By the evening hours last night, I was so mean I couldn't stand myself. Mostly I was irritated because the video I worked SO hard on didnt save the last time, so I have to re-do alot of it!!! Nothing in our house ever works right!! The computer was painfully slow too, which didn't help. I was trying to upload the video to post on our JDRF page....wouldnt work. Long, aggravating story short....its still not done thanks to technical difficulties. So, I climbed in bed entirely frustrated last night, hoping to catch up on some zzzzz's. Of course, Maddison was high, 248, and I'd need to wake in a few hours to make sure she's come down. I was low at 66 with .6 active so I munched some raisins, and then fell asleep!

I did for some reason wake up an hour after Maddison's correction, she was a bit lower, but I still needed to set my alarm for 2 hours later. I never woke up. I leapt out of bed at 7:20 this morning!!! LATE!! I had multiple alarm times set last night but I slept with my alarm too close to my bed and must have turned them all off! ACK! Good news, Maddison was okay at 170 and I slept for 8 hours STRAIGHT for the first time since this Diabetes monster came along!!!

I still feel guilty though! All the "WHAT IF's" are running through my mind. The night prior Maddison was 54 at 10pm.....WHAT IF she was again last night and I missed it!? WHAT IF WHAT IF WHAT IF WHAT IF. I'm tired of the WHAT IF's!! Oh well....I feel like a new person today! I'm not even a tad tired!


phonelady said...

I know the feeling of the sleep deprived . I am also trying to get to the grocery store before I have a fog moment I m sure everyone who suffers from this diabetes monster knows what I mean . Just proves that some days are better than others . I m glad you feel better and that you actually got some sleep . Have a good day and a great wknd .

Meri said...

Oh, sweet sweet sleep. I'm glad you got to catch up on your zzz's. Somehow we are allowed to be human, and they still survive.

Now you'll have extra energy to enjoy the long weekend with your fam!

Have a great one!

Wendy said...


YOU got some zzzzzz's and everything turned out okay.