Saturday we had our 2nd annual support group Christmas party. Look at all these cute kids! The highlight of the party was Santa bringing a gift for each child. It was so heartwarming to see the reaction of the little ones. My girls aren't into Santa of course, but they always know to play along for the little kids. There were only about 8 families that could make it this year, but regardless of the void in missing some very special families, we still enjoyed just being together for a little holiday cheer.
We brought a new family along with us this year! Maddison's best friend across the street plays soccer and sadly, a team mate of hers was diagnosed back in October. Saturday before the party we got to meet them for the first time. The girls all got together and played awhile at our house before we were off to the party. We are so excited that "Khloe" and Maddison are just like each other in so many ways! Animal lovers, bird lovers, chocolate lovers, they love to be outside! I am hoping a very special relationship will emerge, and we are hoping to help "Khloe" know she is not alone in these first trying months.
As far as blood sugars go, I guess I might as well learn that "stability" we once knew is no longer. CRAZY looks like our new way of life. I should spare the boredom of what we all already go through, but as always I need someone to listen. Last week was the week after Maddison's yucky cold. Last week it also took 250% basal rates to keep her in range. She did great for three days. Great overnights. It used to be I could make changes for Maddison's insulin and she would stabilize quickly and remain there for quite some time (like months!)even with growth spurts. No longer. I think I am in denial lately....Saturday Maddison was low all morning, high all afternoon. Then low twice before bed. Yesterday was Sunday, she was low all day even on her less basal weekend pattern. I think this week she will be back to her old basal rate since we are 2 weeks after her cold. I'm seeing the pattern here.....High during the illness, high for a week after, then back to normal basals two weeks after the illness. Fabulous, now how am I supposed to know if today basals should be turned back to where they were? Well, by lows this morning of course!! This morning before school Maddison started at a perfect 123. She was 81 just 45min after breakfast when we arrived at school. I wasn't going to check her but she looked pale. Good catch mom. I treated the 81 with a bit extra knowing my mommy gut is right. Looks like I should turn down the 250% for this week. Recheck and she was 62. Double treat, I should have listened to myself sooner. By now we are sitting together in the nurses office waiting for her low to come up just amazed with all the whiny kids on Monday morning. She is out of I run home to restock her drawer in the nurses office. Come back, she is 100 and off to class. I hesitated a moment. Hmmm.....turn down the basal or not? Did her breakfast with a ton of Peanut butter delay her absorption? By now as I inform the nurse of the CRAZINESS chasing numbers, she is not hearing me and probably thinks I have no idea what I am doing managing a child with Diabetes. Oh well. If she only knew. I set a temp basal decrease back to where we started weeks ago and as always......We shall see.
So a great weekend! Santa Saturday was enlightening. I might even be feeling the holiday spirit! I love each and every one of the kids and siblings that make up our support group. I worry about each and every one of them too. I cherish the parents support, we are all so blessed to have each other. I would be pretty lonely and uncertain without our amazing group of families. I love you guys!
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