Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Poor Maddy

Sunday Maddison started on a yucky cold complete with stuffiness, runny nose and sore throat. She surely has the blood sugar to prove that this is a yucky one! My poor Maddy just can't seem to catch a break lately. She has battled strep throat, colds, pink eye, bad pump sites and tummy flu just too often these last few months leaving her immune system depleted with high blood sugars as a result of the chaos going on inside that little body. The repeated illnesses haven't given us a chance to recover from one week to the next. And of course, the stress of school hasn't helped. I think all the highs leave her more susceptible to the germs and being in the school nurses office 4-8 times a day doesn't help either. My poor Maddy, she has really had the yuckies too many times since school started this year.

Maddy's eyes are quite a bit shadowed lately. She's tired and worn from all the repeated illness and high blood sugar spells this new school year has inflicted. Just like we can see the lows in her eyes, her shadowed look has been staring back at me for weeks now. I can't even remember the last time she had continuous "good" blood sugars. Why can't we just get a break from all the sickies? I am sure that would help alot by giving her numbers a chance to stabilize before going wacky again with another different ailment.

I sit at work and try to fight off the urge to call our school nurse today. Yesterday I sent Maddison to school on a 150% basal rate. It didn't help at all. She never went under 280 until she came home to me. WHY is she high at school and not so much at home? WHY? Right now the obvious cuplrit is the cold she is fighting. My poor Maddy, feeling tired and crappy from persistent, continuous highs.

I'm not going to call....I'm not, I'm not, I'm not. I sent Maddy off today on a 200% basal rate. I know her nurse hasn't called yet because she is fine. I spoke with her this morning to let her know of Maddison's DOUBLE basal rate for her cold and she assured me she will call if she sees anything unusual. Sad, 200-280 is actually NOT unusual for Maddison these days. Precisely why I am up so much at night. I have to keep her under 150 at night, every night in order to give her back some health and time to recover from the school day highs. Nightime seems to be the only time of day in my control right now, the only time that makes sense or is easy to adjust. My poor Maddy, I promise I am doing my best to keep you healthy and feeling good!


Scott K. Johnson said...

Major suckage - I hope she's feeling good for good soon.

Lynnea said...

Ahhh...poor Maddy is right...poor Mom as well as you deal with it and sometimes come down with the same crud she brings home!:-( I hope she can recover soon! In my prayers!