Monday, May 19, 2008

My Hannah

Hannah is 11 going on 16... I remember Hannah being 2 like it was yesterday. She had to me the most chatty girl ever. Her first word was "Look!" when she was 7 months old, not an exaggeration! Hannah continued to awe me with an amazing vocabulary that exploded nearly every day. I spent every waking moment talking to and playing with her, like most moms with their first child. Wherever we went in the car we spent talking. About everything. From sunrise to sunset I think we read at least 30 books a day, it was what she loved best. I miss those days more and more as she ages. She was my entire heart and soul....she still is of course, but from a distance now as she grows.

Suddenly Hannah is 11 and I want to stop her from growing up! I love my kids home with me. We have alot of fun, we talk alot and we always find something we all want to do. But, Hannah spends alot of time with her girlfriends now. I have been watching her change into this young woman, and it is a scary thing for me. I don't want to let her go, but I have granted more freedom to her than I ever thought I would be able to, being the overprotective parent. Tomorrow's last day of school brings the new title of "7th grader!" oh my! I must say I am very proud. And alot stressed knowing her friends will be becoming more a part of her life than her parents. Can't I just sit and read books to her all day like I used to? Can't I carry her around on my hip explaining the world to her? -Sigh- They aren't kidding when they say time goes faster as you age. So, here's a poem for my "7th grader"....

My Daughter

You'll never really know, my dear,
Just how much you mean to me,
A mother's love, buried so deep,
That only my heart can see.

When I sit and really stare at you,
All I can do is grin,
Somewhere down deep inside,
I see myself within.

I'd never change a thing in you,
I thank God that your so fine,
Even when your at your worst,
I'm so proud that you are mine.

The roads we have traveled,
were not always that good,
I would take back all the pain you've felt,
Only if I could.

I know that I'm not perfect,
It's the best that I can do,
But everyday, I thank the lord,
For a daughter as special as you.

"Hannah" is defined to me as the child that taught me what love is. She is silly. Dramatic. Beautiful, with her Dad's brown eyes. She has my everything else I believe. I see myself in so many things that she does. She is kindly spirited, but also has an "grumpy" side like me. She is very observant. A social butterfly in the right environment. But shy, like me. Grandma sees her as the most polite and respectful girl :) Hmmmmm......She is compassionate and caring with her sister, but of course they have their days. She loves little kids. She loves Volleyball and music. She is an awesome athelete in every sport she tries. She LOVES her cell phone. And I am happy that she has one FINALLY (LOL) She is determined and strong willed. That makes me proud. She loves hugs. I think her most admirable quality is that she is so smart and "witty".....always having a response or smarty comment to make you laugh. This silliness pulls me out of my grumpiness alot of times, she can always make me smile. I love you my 7th Grader!

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