Thursday, March 26, 2009

Only basal for me

Sure enough, the half empty pool "swimming" and wading caught up with Maddison and she was just 80 when I planned to go to bed. Guess she did need a bedtime snack! I treated her low 3 times until she was a nice 140. By 3am she was 264. Start over on the basal testing tonight! I finally got to bed around 2am after force feeding myself another 40c because the Lantus in my system wanted to kill me.

How can just 6u of Lantus be so different from the 8u of Levemir I used to take on basal/bolus? Crazy. I decided I was safe to go to bed at 218. I was "stable" until I jumped out of bed LATE (thank you my dear Golden) at 7:30am, I had dropped to 74. CRAZY LANTUS DROPS! Good thing I went to bed in the 200's!

I zoomed the kids off to school within 20min! YAY! I was so happy it was morning and Maddisons lows were behind us. UPS will be here by 10:30 with my new pump! I cant wait to get this foreign Lantus out of my system! I had another PB sandwich with no bolus of course, and decided to sleep until the door bell rang at 10:15. Ahhhh, my beautiful new unscratched pump! THANK YOU MEDTRONIC! I'm still tired and feeling like I'm dropping, I'm going to eat again and go back to bed! I'm taking advantage of an empty house with the kids in school and treating myself after being put through the ringer stopping crazy plummeting blood sugars every few hours. Back to bed I go! I slept until 12:30!! Hows that for catching up on missed sleep?!!

My new pump is all re-programmed and set for a temp basal until the Lantus wears off. I just had dinner and still bolused only half the carbs. So far so good, but I'm guessing somewhere I'll be a bit high between temp basal and Lantus leaving my system. Lesson learned. Appreciate that pump on my hip every-single-day. I felt naked for the last 30 hours without it. I even looked in the mirror this morning and felt like I looked WEIRD because it wasn't poking from my pocket. I was lost without my built-in clock. Lost without something keeping track of my "active" insulin and when I corrected last. What a strange feeling. I'm all hooked up and ready to be "me" again. Good bye Lantus, I hope I never see you again!

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